Thursday, 24 March 2011

Types of Cinema

There are 3 types of cinema:
first cinema
second cinema
third cinema

First cinema
First cinema is normally referred to as Hollywood. These are mainstream films that have a huge budget and are shown in multi-screen cinemas. These are normally the most popular films that you'll see in adverts on tv and see posters up on bus stops. Examples of these films are:


These are called high concept films. They use a lot of special effects and include many decontextualised action sequences. After the release of the film, many high concept films create merchandise to earn extra profit. This happens especially if the film is aimed at children as they are more likely to purchase toys and games. First cinema/high concept films are profit motivated and have mass audiences. Warner Bros, Universal and Paramount are examples of companies in this sector.

Second cinema
Second cinema is politically or art motivated and are normally created by "Auteurs" who create films and 'leave their mark on it'. An example of a director who does this is M. Night Shyamalan.

Second cinema rejects hollywood conventions but is based on the individual expression of the Auteur director.

Third cinema
Third cinema is politically motivated. Third cinema films aren't usually shown in multi-screen cinemas and are films based on truth, religion and are mostly created by directors in less developed countries such as Sub-Saharah Africa.

Third cinema rejects the second cinema view that films are a vehicle for personal expression, and prefers to express many peoples opinion on a particular issue, for example in Guelwaar it's on a religious issue. Third cinema films are created to express a particular truth or to express peoples beliefs in a certain matter. They aren't big budget, normally have an extremely low budget and are generally of poor quality due to the conditions and economic issues in LDCs (less developed countries). These films aren't normally shown in cinemas outside of the country it was made in.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Film Magazines

I found some film magazines and have explained what I like about each of them.

Empire Magazine
I really like this front cover as the image is very striking. The use of editing within this image has created an action packed front cover, introducing us to all of the stars in the film. Most people are attracted to a film when a star that they like plays in it. I also like the use of the film strip at the bottom of the cover which features what will be in the magazine. This is a very clever way to keep in with the theme of movies and to make the cover more exciting. I may take this idea and use it in my own magazine.

SFX magazine
I think that this particular cover of SFX is good. The title of the film is bold and glowing, which is instantly charming for the reader. I like the colour use, yellow and blue really stand out with eachother and it fits in with the genre of the movie (sci-fi). I will use this idea in my own magazine cover, choosing colours to fit the genre so that the audience can immediately work out which genre of film the magazine mainly features.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Film Posters

The second part of my coursework is to create a film poster. I have researched and found a few posters that gave me ideas for my own poster.

I like the positions of the characters in this poster, it creates a mysterious tone for the audience and the use of colouring creates an peculiar atmosphere which clearly sets the genre up for the audience. This is a good quality to have in a poster as the audience immediately know what they're in for. The black, bold font over the light background image makes the text very clear and eye-catching for the audience and the quote promotes the film. I may use the character positioning idea from this poster and use it in my own.

My Bloody Valentine
The colour use in this poster makes it very clear to the audience that this film is of the horror genre. Red and black are known as the fear provoking colours. The image is very well edited and is also very reticent as the image doesnt give away too much of the narrative. I am going to take the colour use from this poster and perhaps use it in a slightly different way for my poster.

Wrong Turn
      I really like the image layers in this poster and how they have merged together 3 images to make one. The image of the creature is showing him in an angry state suggesting that in the narrative of the film, he is the one to cause the problem and disturbance (in a stereotypical horror narrative). The image of the girl looking scared also suggests that she is the main victim or survivor of the movie. If you analyse this film poster carefully, you can find out a lot about the film before even watching it. Depending on the reader, this could be a positive thing or a negative thing. Some people like to go into a film knowing absolutely nothing where as some others prefer to know a bit of background information so that they aren't completely in the dark about the film and know what they're in for. This poster definitely would attract the people who like to know a bit more about the film before watching. I think i'd want this aspect for my poster too.