Monday, 2 May 2011

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During my research stage I mainly used the internet to look up different things. A well known website I used was youtube .  I used youtube to find and watch existing film trailers and this helped me to understand the types of features a film trailer has. Actually being able to watch film trailers helped me a lot because it gave me inspiration and ideas for my own trailer whereas without this site it would have taken a lot longer to come up with ideas. I also used iTunes to research different soundtracks that went with existing film. I looked at the avatar album and then also found some other various soundtracks through searching around this software. Using iTunes gave me ideas for what music I would use for my trailer as I was able to hear what types of music existing horror/scifi/thriller films/etc had used. I also used the internet to research magazine covers and posters using google images. Lastly I used microsoft word to produce a questionnaire which I then handed out to people within our target audience age and this helped me to understand what the target audience thought about various things within a horror trailer. This helped me and my team to understand what aspects to put into the trailer and which things not to put in. During my planning stage I used various technologies for each of my products. For my main product is was mostly using the film camera and using the editing software which was Premiere Elements.8 and it looks like this:

It took time getting used to the film camera and so we made a practice film with it so we could learn how all the features on the camera worked, we then edited this film using Premier Elements.8 so we had a trial run of how to use this software too. Using the film camera to help plan our trailer was really useful as we could test out our ideas and see how they would turn out on the camera. It also gave us a chance to see how well the camera worked in different lights and helped us to plan our different trailer shots. However, using the film camera did have it's limitations, sometimes camera files would strangely go missing when uploaded to the computer or some files from the camera would not upload to the computer and so sometimes we had to film them again which was fairly frustrating for my team as it was very time consuming. Using Premier Elements.8 to help plan our trailer was a really easy way of seeing what effects we could add to the different shots and helped us to really picture how our trailer was going to pan out. However there were also some limitations when using this software, as we were beginners with this software we had to have a lot of help from our teacher and couldnt get on with using this software at times without being in a lesson with them. Another limitation with this software was that it kept crashing and deleting some files we used in trailer. This was extremely wearisome and we got very frustrated with the software as it was losing us valuable time,
unneccessarily. Two technologies I used to help me plan and construct my ancillary texts was photoshop and a Canon EOS 7D (camera). I have used photoshop many times before and so there weren't many limitations on using this software. Having photoshop available at home really helped my planning and construction as I could edit my photos for my magazine cover and poster to see what effects looked really good and what effects affected the audience best. Using photoshop also helped me plan my layouts as I could easily see what looked good and what didnt look right. It also was easy to construct the final product as I had played around with a few photos beforehand and so I knew all the different features of photoshop fairly well. My dad used to be a photographer, so using a big camera like the Canon EOS 7D was fairly easy and he taught me all the different features of it and I was able to do a few mock photoshoots nice and easy to help me see how the camera worked, and then it was very simple to use this camera for my final products. There were no real limiations when using the camera as I had my dad on hand to help me use it. For my evaluation stage, I used an interactive whiteboard to screen some scenes of our trailer and constructed a small questionnaire for some audience feedback. There weren't many limitations with this as it was a quick and easy process apart from it took a few minutes to get the sound working. Lastly I used blogger to contain all my notes and processes for this project, there weren't many limitations to this, it was easy to get used to, however if the internet were to go down and fail, I would not have been able to use blogger.

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